Optical fiber temperature measurement and vibration early warning

Nuclear power safety protection

As an important energy supply facility, nuclear power plants have significant implications for society and the environment. Ensuring the safety and stability of nuclear power plants is of paramount importance. Accurate and timely monitoring and warning of key parameters are crucial for maintaining their safe operation. Among these parameters, temperature and vibration are two critical indicators that require close attention during the operation of nuclear power plants.

In nuclear power plants, temperature variations can lead to equipment malfunctions, material damage, reduced cooling efficiency, and even serious consequences such as fires and explosions. Vibrations can also pose safety risks, including equipment fatigue, structural damage, and pipe leakage. Therefore, timely monitoring of temperature and vibration changes, early warning of abnormal conditions, and taking appropriate measures are essential for ensuring the safe operation of nuclear power plants.

The development of distributed optical fiber temperature and vibration monitoring technology has emerged to address these challenges. This technology involves the installation of fiber optic sensors at critical locations within the nuclear power plant. By leveraging the characteristics of fiber optics, it enables real-time monitoring of temperature and vibration variations, with the data transmitted to a monitoring system for analysis and processing. Compared to traditional discrete sensor placement methods, distributed fiber optic technology offers advantages such as wide coverage, high precision, and real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling comprehensive monitoring of temperature and vibration conditions in various areas of the nuclear power plant.

Monitoring Solution:


Fiber Optic Installation: Deploy distributed fiber optic sensors at key areas, equipment, and structures within the nuclear power plant. The fiber optics can come into contact with pressure vessels, pipelines, turbine units, and other components to detect temperature and vibration changes.

Real-time Monitoring and Data Acquisition: Utilize distributed fiber optic temperature and vibration sensors to continuously monitor temperature and vibration changes in different areas of the nuclear power plant. The fiber optic sensors provide high precision and fast sampling rates to acquire data, which is then transmitted to the monitoring system for real-time analysis and recording.

Temperature and Vibration Early Warning: Based on safety standards and predetermined temperature and vibration thresholds, the monitoring system can continuously monitor temperature and vibration levels. If the thresholds are exceeded, it triggers early warning and alarm notifications, alerting operators to take appropriate actions to prevent accidents from occurring.


Remote Monitoring and Alarm: The distributed fiber optic temperature and vibration monitoring system can be connected to a central control room or remote management platform, enabling remote monitoring and alarm functionalities. Operations personnel can remotely monitor the temperature and vibration status of the nuclear power plant at any time and take appropriate actions when necessary.

 Through the application of distributed fiber optic temperature and vibration monitoring technology, nuclear power plants can achieve real-time monitoring and control of critical areas and equipment. This allows for early detection of temperature and vibration anomalies and the implementation of necessary measures to ensure the safe operation of the plant. It contributes to enhancing the safety, stability, and reliability of the nuclear power plant, reducing the risk of accidents, and ensuring the safety of personnel and the environment.

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